That Sugar Salt Solution

3 min readMar 31, 2023

The month of Ramadan has arrived and was greeted with Like wish by all Muslims worldwide, especially in Indonesia. Various activities religion and activities social start lively taking place moment month fast arrived. Activity not even academic left behind for still held. However, some people with types of activities and jobs certain will experience A little difficulty moment carry out work while withholding hungry and thirsty. Sometimes, way done instantly to cope matter it. One lively way done by people is “ ORS dopping ”

started from a tweet about the use indicated ORS can help for withhold thirst at the moment of fasting. After the tweet, its viral, internet citizens are now in droves to buy ORS in pharmacies and shops drug in large amounts. Panic-buyinglanguage is cool until making ORS becomes difficult stuff for found. Phenomenon This, Of course, harms several true parties who need ORS for treatment major in handling diarrhea both in infants, children, and mature. increasingly topic spread This makes Internet citizens abound try ORS he said can endure thirst at times carry out fasting.

ORS is a product that can help maintain a balance of hydration in the body. ORS contains electrolytes which function to replace fluids and electrolytes lost from the body due to lack of fluids. This product is typically used by athletes or to treat moderate dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting, or other conditions.

Fact, claim capable ORS prevent thirst and dehydration at times fast No right. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have recommended the usage of fluid Oral rehydration (CRO) or ORS for more than 25 years to prevent and treat dehydration caused by diarrhea without looked causes and groups’ age. Fluid rehydration contains Sodium concentration of 90 mEq /L and glucose of 90 mEq /L with a total osmolarity of 311 mOsm /L.

Using ORS that doesn’t by indication can cause severaleffects detrimental side _ among them nausea, vomiting, increased pressure must blood noticed in the patient with hypertension, seizures in muscles, and swelling of the limbs. If any of these side effects last longer and worsen the condition, it is important to see a doctor to minimize the occurrence of serious health complications. Excessive consumption of ORS can cause extra salt and minerals deposition in the body, which can increase the risk of diabetes and arthritis.

There are several methods for minimizing thirst moment fasting. The easiest way for done is a sufficient water requirement is 30–50 ml/kg bb, for everyone. Besides fulfilling water demand, consuming vegetables and fruit with lots of water also help reduce thirst moment fasting. Severalpractitioners of health also advise reducing foods and drinks that trigger thirst, ie containing food and drinking high sodium and sugar levels. Caffeine in coffee should also be avoided Because of its diuretic properties ie the effect stimulates the body to emit fluid that affects dehydration possibility For happened. The time and type of exercise that is done also trigger the loss of fluid in a large amount. Recommended For choosing sport with light intensity also in the approaching time breaking fast for avoid happening dehydrated.

Fasting for one month (Ramadan) can provide tremendous benefits for the health of the body if done properly and correctly. Besides For get rewards and practicing, fasting also gives great benefits to the body if done good and right. Hopefully fast year This can be held with good and get expected practice. — Andi Nurainun Reskia Pawallangi, Human Resource and Development Departmen, ILC HMP-UGM

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